Rosemary and Oliver from the group presented their posters in the ACCC-6 section of the RACI Centenary Conference in Melbourne. Rosemary presented on her work of silver releasing coordination polymers and Oliver on how particle size and morphology effect catalysis. Well done guys!

AuthorJack Evans

For the next 3+ months we have three international visitors in the lab: Virgil Guillon (University of Rennes 1), Kenji Okada (Osaka Prefecture University) and Eli Sanchez-Gonzalez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico). Welcome guys!

AuthorJack Evans

Renata's first paper on CO2 methanation catalyst discovery is available online.  This paper documents the discovery and optimisation of the conversion of a Ru-impregnated UiO-66 MOF template into an active Ru@ZrO2 methanation catalyst.  Work done in collaboration with the CSIRO team led by Danielle Kennedy using their high-throughput catalysis rig. Well done Renata!